Quick and easy

Our AI bot searches the regulations for your address and discovers the possibilities.


Our AI effortlessly searches the regulations, allowing you to quickly find answers to your questions.

Trusted by 100+ contractors, architects and private individuals

Our services

Mijnbestemmingsplan.nl offers a unique service to provide insight into the current and future destination of a plot.

Rapportage coverRapportage cover

Zoning plans in one clear report

For real estate agents and private individuals looking for clarity about zoning plans, mijnzoningsplan.nl offers a complete and user-friendly PDF report.

All your destination information clearly arranged in one document, ideal for adding to sales files.

Save time, get reliable and up-to-date information, and present all relevant rules and restrictions in a clear and professional format.

  • Complete list
  • Save time
  • Reliable information

Knowing what you can build

With mijnbestemmingsplan.nl you will know within a few minutes what is allowed at your address.

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